1071 Budapest, VII. District, Bajza street 2. II. Floor 3rd, bell: 18

Services / Pricing

Consultation 5.000 HUF (free with treatment)
X-ray 2.000 HUF
Tartar removal – dental hygiene 15.000 HUF - 25.000 HUF
ZOOM teeth whitening 40.000 HUF/15 minutes
Extraction 5.000 HUF - 25.000 HUF
Wisdom tooth removal 30.000 HUF
Circumscision/cautering 15.000 HUF
Conservative dentistry
Aesthetic filling tooth neck 18.000 HUF
Aesthetic filling 1 surface 20.000 HUF
Aesthetic filling 2 surface 21.000 HUF
Aesthetic filling 3 surface 25.000 HUF
Direkt Composit Veneer 25.000 HUF
Moving teeth correction 10.000 HUF/teeth
Trepanation 16.000 HUF - 18.000 HUF
Trepanation through the crown 20.000 HUF
Definite root canal filling 1 canal 16.000 HUF
Definite root canal filling 2 canal 17.000 HUF
Definite root canal filling 3-4 canal 19.000 HUF
Removal of a root filling 6.000 HUF/canal
Root canal post 3.000 HUF
Parapulpal tap 2.000 HUF
Fix dentures
Temporary acril crown (chairsaide made) 4.000 HUF
Temporary acril crown(made by technician) 6.000 HUF
Metal-ceramic crown (laser technology) 52.000 HUF
Cirkonium crown 75.000 HUF
Recementation of a crown 10.000 HUF - 20.000 HUF
Removable dentures
Full denture 150.000 HUF/jaw
Partial denture (acril) 150.000 HUF/jaw
Partial denture (metal plate) 155.000 HUF/jaw  
Slide/preci/ceka (no clasp) 20.000 HUF/piece
Underlining 25.000 HUF
Denture repair 30.000 HUF
Track against crunching 25.000 HUF/jaw
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